We all hear that reading with your child is important, but why? Studies have shown that reading to children from infancy helps build not only language skills, but also helps children develop socially and emotionally.
The goals of the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program are simple:
Promote reading to newborns, infants, and toddlers
Encourage parent-child bonding through reading
According to research by the National Early Literacy Panel,
“Shared-reading activities are often recommended as the single most important thing adults can do to promote the emergent literacy skills of young children.”
Children who are read to consistently at an early age tend to perform well when they start school.
How the program Works
Sign-up with a librarian at Wilton Library’s Children’s Library desk to receive your gift pack and reading log.
Each time you read a book to your child, color in a bubble on the reading log.
For each 100 books you read come back to the Children’s Library desk to receive a free book and a sticker.
Once you have reached 1000 books you will also receive a certificate of completion.
Keep books throughout your home, in your car, and in your to-go bag.
Read favorites repeatedly. Repetition helps children gain literacy skills.
Ask your child questions about the pictures and story.